day 54: ain’t life grand?
We’ve done the undoable: Bill and I hiked from the South Rim to the Colorado River and back in one day. From South Kaibab to the Black Bridge took 2.5 hours; from there back to the rim via the Bright Angel trailhead took another 4 hours for a grand total of 16 miles and 6.5 hours. The Park Service wouldn’t provide us any information about day hiking to the river and back, so it was a bit difficult for us to plan our trip. Far from the death-defying feat that the rangers describe, the trail was rather mellow compared to many of our other day hikes. South Kaibab was deserted, except for several mule trains, and until we reached 3 Mile House, we had the trail mostly to ourselves. Thanks to Bill’s preparedness, we finished the hike with enough food and water for two more days and plenty of time for a siesta and the bus tour to Hermit’s Rest and Powell Point for sunset. Next up on our hiking list: rim to rim in a day!